August 12, 2021

Dio Mio Desserts

Meet Thomas Mancuso from Dio Mio Desserts. By day he is an Assistant Principal working with older teens aspiring to obtain their High School Equivalency Diplomas, by night he is a doting and loving husband and father, and a budding baker.

When the pandemic had a choke hold over the world, Tom went into the kitchen to recreate his childhood- to be with his loved ones (in spirit) and be at peace with no stress in the world.

What he creates in his kitchen is magic.

While opening a brick and mortar cafe has always been a dream, Covid made Tom realize that now is the time to establish the brand and foot traffic to support his retirement vision.

When life hands you lemons…. the birth of a sweet pivot born from a sour note… will be a recurring feature putting a spotlight on those who take a chance and make lemonade when life hands them lemons.

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